How to solve the related problems affecting product quality in the construction of cast-in-place foam concrete

 Synthetic blowing agent overview

The synthetic foaming agent used for concrete is a highly concentrated and efficient liquid used to produce lightweight foamed concrete. Foamed concrete is also called foamed lightweight concrete (CLC).

CLC concrete has great potential in the construction of honeycomb lightweight applications, and the use of the correct type of foaming agent will make a huge difference in product properties (such as the mechanical properties of concrete and its resistance, etc.). Synthetic foaming agents are chemical substances that reduce the surface tension of liquids and are widely used in the manufacture of blocks, bricks, CLC concrete, etc. worldwide. Compared with other foaming agents, it can be formed with less energy when high density is required. It is strongly recommended for use in the construction industry, as the demand for lightweight concrete continues to increase over time.

Foamed concrete is a mixed gel of various materials and admixtures. Different raw materials, different material mixing ratios, different admixture properties, different water-liquid mixing ratios, different construction machinery and construction personnel operating levels, different construction environments, and maintenance conditions will all bring about the quality of foam concrete products. The most influential is the construction project of multivariable control technology. The intervention of each variable parameter will have a great impact on the quality of foam concrete. Therefore, the mixing ratio in the building is very important. How to solve the related problems that affect product quality in the construction of cast-in-place foam concrete is the focus of this article.

1. The impact of the ratio on the quality of the project

As we all know, the mix ratio of materials in the construction of foam concrete is the main factor affecting the project's quality. The performance of foam concrete is affected by many factors. There are many problems in quality control, and intelligent automation engineering machinery is still in further development. The mix ratio, construction method, site management, and other aspects of the foam concrete cast-in-situ project are still in the early stage of development. Tests have shown that the strength of the product can be increased within the optimal content range of fly ash, and the strength will decrease after the optimal content is exceeded.

The same is true for cement. After exceeding the optimal dosage, its strength will decrease with the increase of cement dosage. This warns that we must reasonably control the optimal amount of material, especially the addition of trace elements (such as silica fume) must be more precise.

Adding too much or unevenly will lead to waste. Therefore, the use of a mechatronics uniform speed measurement system for control is an ideal solution.

2 The influence and control of admixtures on the quality of foam concrete

There are many admixtures used in foamed concrete, mainly cement foaming agents, accelerators, and water reducers. The matching parameters should be accurate. For example, cement foaming agent, controlling the initial water-liquid mixing ratio, and controlling the foaming rate will have a great impact on the quality of foamed concrete. The mixing ratio control of cement foaming agents and other raw materials is not precise enough, which makes the construction quality not stable enough.

The currently used foaming agent control system can be divided into three categories, namely gear pump control, hose pump control, and straw cross-sectional area ratio control. On the contrary, the control level of the gear pump is more accurate. However, most of the gear pumps currently in use are alternatives and can be used in hydraulic systems, but the foaming agent metering system needs to be improved because the housing of the alternative gear pump is made of aluminum alloy, and the internal gears have been quenched and made of carbon steel production. The hardness of the two parts is very different. In the case of poor lubrication, the aluminum alloy of the inner valve plate is easy to wear and causes internal leakage. Moreover, the internal carbon steel gear has defects such as easy corrosion, fast wear, and large internal leakage, which directly affect the measurement accuracy. The reason is that in theory, the foaming agent is a neutral substance, but in fact, many foaming agents are weakly alkaline or weakly acidic, which will corrode the carbon steel gears in the gear pump to a certain extent and accelerate the wear. In addition, the foaming agent itself has a certain viscosity. If it is not cleaned or cleaned after work, it is easy to build and block the distribution channel in the gear pump, increasing the gear pump's internal resistance, accelerating wear, and increasing measurement errors. The larger the value, the water-liquid mixing ratio of the foaming agent will be affected, the foaming quality will be unstable, and the product quality of the foamed concrete will be directly affected. This is also an urgent problem to be solved.

Application of synthetic blowing agent

1. Foaming agent is used to making lightweight (CLC) blocks and panels;

2. Blowing agent is used to fill the gap;

Foamed concrete is also very useful for filling voids. Because of its high mobility, it can even be poured into the most inaccessible places. It can be used for planned work, and can quickly provide stability and support in emergency situations;

3. Foaming A gentleman is used for roof insulation;

4. Foaming agent is used to marking CLC blocks, cast-in-place walls, bridge reinforcement wall structures, floor structures, lightweight prefabricated blocks, fire protection, sound insulation, etc.

Synthetic blowing agent price

The price of synthetic blowing agents will vary randomly with the production cost of synthetic blowing agents, transportation cost, international situation, exchange rate, and market supply and demand. Tanki New Materials Co., Ltd. aims to help all industries and chemical wholesalers find high-quality, low-cost nanomaterials and chemicals by providing a full set of customized services. If you are looking for a synthetic blowing agent, please feel free to send an email to get the latest synthetic blowing agent prices.

Synthetic blowing agent supplier

As a global synthetic blowing agent supplier, Tanki New Materials Co. Ltd has extensive experience in the performance, application, and cost-effective manufacturing of advanced and engineered materials. The company has successfully developed a series of admixtures (including foam concrete additives, concrete foaming agents for lightweight concrete, CLC blocks, superplasticizers, foam concrete strength enhancers, etc.), oxides, nitrides, high purity Target materials, functional ceramics, and structural devices, and provide OEM services.



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